Doing an SEO audit of your website is essential to identify the actions to be taken in order to go up in Google results and attract more visitors. But what to do when you are not an expert? Here is the procedure to follow to do an SEO audit in 1 hour stacked! Fo more info

The basics for doing an effective SEO audit

To pass the SEO audit of your website, you must first understand the 3 pillars taken into account by Google and search engines to rank their results.

The SEO quality of your website therefore depends on the following 3 pillars:

·         The technique of your website;

·         The content of your website;

·         The popularity of your website;

You often ask me where to start your SEO audit: you now have a breakdown that will punctuate your next 60 minutes.

Let's see that in the following schedule:

20 minutes to audit the technique

30 minutes to audit your content

10 minutes to audit your popularity

Do a SEO audit: 20 minutes for the technique

To be well referenced, your website must meet certain technical prerequisites. Without it, you won't have a chance to appear in the first results on Google.

To put it simply, here are the 3 technical criteria that impact the SEO of your website:

·         The loading speed of your website;

·         The quality of mobile browsing;

·         Safety of navigation;

5 minutes to audit the loading speed

The loading speed of your website directly impacts the quality of the experience you offer your visitors.

If your website loads in more than 3 seconds, from a mobile device, the majority of your visitors will backtrack to return to the search engine.

loading time and website SEO

The problem with that is that Google doesn't like it.

If one of its users clicks on a result and immediately returns home, it is a signal of dissatisfaction and therefore potentially a risk of losing market share.

So you see where I am coming from: if your website is a risk for Google, it will not put you ahead.

To do an effective SEO audit, I therefore recommend that you start by auditing the loading speed of your website.

You can do it in 5 minutes, using a tool like GTMetrix  :

Audit your SEO with gtmetrix

When you get to the home page of this tool, all you have to do is enter your website address and start the analysis.

You will then arrive on a page presenting the results of your audit:

SEO speed loading audit

You will then obtain the loading time of your page as well as two scores: the PageSpeed ​​Score and the Yslow Score.

Take a look at both and you will no doubt find similar areas for improvement.

I have audited hundreds of websites and we often find the same thing:

·         Adjust the dimensions of the images;

·         Use a cache system;

·         Reduce the resources used;

Warning: the geolocation of the test is set by default in North America, often Canada.

5 minutes to audit the quality of mobile browsing

Studies follow and resemble each other on this subject: roughly speaking, more than 50% of Internet traffic comes from mobile.

By making a quick shortcut, we can say that one user in 2 of the search engines is on mobile.

As before, if your website is not displayed correctly on mobile, visitors will tend to return directly to Google to choose another result and this will negatively impact your SEO.

Doing an SEO audit is necessarily analyzing the experience that your site offers on mobile.

For that, I recommend that you use the Google Pagespeed tool  :

We are on the same operation as GTMetrix, you arrive on a home page and you just have to launch its URL to audit your website.

10 minutes to identify the technical optimizations to be made

To finish with the technical part of your SEO audit, I put at your disposal a 100% free SEO analysis tool that will allow you to generate in 1 click (3 in fact Haha!) A detailed report of the actions that you can take to improve your website.

5 minutes to identify the 5 best performing pages

Unless monetizing your audience is your main goal, your main goal is to improve your website's SEO to attract more visitors and generate Leads .

With this in mind, it is useless to do an SEO audit of all the pages of your site. You can focus on the most important pages.

Before going any further, I recommend that you identify the 5 pages that attract the most visitors to your website.

Nothing could be simpler: just go to Google Analytics and check your page traffic for the last 12 months.

10 minutes to identify the 5 pages with high potential

Now we are going to take the analysis of your pages a step further.

On your website, you probably have two types of high potential pages:

·         Those who convert well;

·         Those who have a great click-through rate in Google;

·         Identify which pages convert well

When I do an SEO audit for a client, I attach the greatest importance to pages that have an interesting conversion rate.

Let's imagine that the 5 pages of your website the most visited on your site attract an average of 1000 visitors each month but that they generate only 2 contacts.

Beside that, you have 3 pages which only attract 100 visitors each per month but which generate 10 contacts.

Wouldn't it be better to work on the referencing of these last 3 first? Obviously!

For this step of your SEO audit, you must inevitably use a specific tracking tool or have correctly configured the objectives in your Google Analytics.

Seo audit with google search console

Here, we see that these pages of my website are very clicked on Google without being referenced in the first 3 results.

The potential is phew and I will have to exploit it. This brings us to the next step.

15 minutes to audit competing websites

Doing an SEO audit also means analyzing the SEO of your competitors.

Now that you've identified the most interesting pages on your website, you need to figure out how to improve them.

And there, the best way to do it is to compare your page with the competing page which is referenced first on Google.

Number of keywords, optimization of tags, content… You have all the elements necessary to improve your pages.

Obviously, it will give you more than 15 minutes to do this. But you will do it as you go, page after page.

For your SEO audit of the day, I recommend that you store the concurrent URL for each of your pages in an Excel or other file.

Do an SEO audit: 10 minutes for popularity

2 minutes to audit your domain name authority

There is one data that directly influences the referencing of your website: the authority of your domain name.

The authority of your domain name is a score that goes from 0 to 100 and which in a way measures your legitimacy.

A good Authority Score is at least 40. Between 20 and 40 is okay. Below 20, you must improve it if you want to be well referenced on Google and search engines.

To conclude your SEO audit, take 2 minutes to analyze the authority of your domain name.

For that, you can use the Ahref tool  :

analyze your domain authority

As you can see, we're pretty well off here 😀

8 ​​minutes to audit your backlinks

If you are like most of the websites I audit, you will have a Domain Authority of less than 40, or even 20. Do

Your SEO audit should now allow you to identify the actions to be taken to improve yours. And the answer is simple.

You need more quality backlinks.

For this, you must use an SEO tool that already allows you to identify the backlinks you have but also the websites that make quality links to your competitors.

You then know what you have to do: go fishing for links by contacting the identified websites!

Do an SEO audit in 60 minutes? Yeah…!

To conclude this article, I had to put a note for all doubters.

If an SEO expert passes by here, he will inevitably tell me that it is impossible to do an SEO audit in 60 minutes. To which I will answer: Yes and no!

Naturally, doing a complete SEO audit takes several days of work. We're OK on that and my clients know it. But, because there is a BUT:

The majority of companies do not, at least for the moment, need a detailed SEO audit.

What they need is an action plan that allows them to develop their audience and especially to generate contacts. And there, 60 minutes is enough.

However, these 60 minutes are reserved for the SEO audit. For the implementation of the actions, it will undoubtedly take several weeks.

The stake for you and therefore to prioritize your actions to be able to generate results in the short term. You will then have all the motivation and confidence of your employees to do the rest 😉
